The pace accelerated and most diverse which the modern world imposes added to our form psingular of the challenges that life brings us has generated a widespread feeling of unhappiness as a result.
Psychology shows us how human beings are encouraged to live out each day in search of happiness, and the lack of this is precisely what keeps us active in the different spheres of life.
In everyday language the term depression, coming to be used as that is fashionable is widespread, the problem is that many times it is used incorrectly. That is why it is important to know when it is simply a manifestation of the mood according to situations singulars why you go through and know to discriminate when worry and seek help, because it's a very serious illness. For any kind of disorder get counseling Chicago and get well soon.
Feeling sad or "depressed" is not enough to assert that he is suffering from depression, faced with this reality, the question comes us: when to worry?
It is important to be aware that this sadness or low energy State has an explanation that is consistent at the moment that is presented and which does not present one longer than six months.
The disease has nothing to do with this apathy to the student's life that it has suspended six subjects, or who has lost the job less than a month ago, as it is a normal and even healthy human reaction and should be treated as such.
However, as says David Barlow, (founder and director emeritus of the center of studies of anxiety and disorders from the U. of Boston.) in an interview granted to Dr. Carlos Fernández consultant physician of the Times newspaper in its publication on November 17, 2008, these factors can influence that is developed the disease, as in mental health statistics show increase in the prevalence of these disorders because according to Barlow ' stress levels increase and breaking occurring social and family networks when people leave their environment and change of housing site and " work, which is now more frequent".
The danger of generalizing the term can lead to neglect the interest in finding an effective cure to the disease. To clarify this point, Professor Salvador explained in the recent Congress international health, held in Rome, indiscriminant Cervera, of the University of Navarra, the discomfort and the disease of depression
Such as Salvador Cervera points out in his article entitled "depression more than sadness" the depression as a disease state is lost the satisfaction of living, the capacity to act and the hope of regaining the well-being. Accompanied by clinical manifestations in the sphere of mood (sadness, loss of interest, apathy, lack of sense of hope), thought (capacity decreased concentration, indecision, pessimism, death, etc.), the activity psychomotor (inhibition, sluggishness, lack of communication or restlessness, impatience and hyperactivity) and somatic manifestations (insomnia, disturbances of appetite and body weight, decreased sexual desire) (, loss of energy, fatigue, etc.) This set of symptoms are that we have a pathological state specific, clearly distinct from normal sadness and that takes well-defined intensities and shapes.
In this sense have been established various clinical forms of depression internationally accepted, being of lesser to greater intensity: depressive reaction; major depressive disorder; dysthymia; bipolar disorder; organic depressive disorder; melancholic depression; and psychotic depression. Each one of them with well established clinical differential traits.
As the doctor points out Franklin Escobar, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Colombia, dysthymic disorder is chronic characterized by depressed or irritable, mood more frequently in children and adolescents, which remains the most of the day, almost every day.
The term dysthymia means "bad mood", involves temperamental dysphoria, i.e. a trend innate to the depressed mood
Dysthymic disorder is common in the general population and affects 3% to 5% of the individuals. Psychiatric and general medical services diagnosis is common and affects about one-third to half of the examined in these clinics.
Depression and associated diseases are disorders whose beginning is usually early in life, with a recurrent course after a first episode in early adulthood.
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